More Thai Ladies

Plastic surgery cosmetic surgery of the stars, models, and celebrities

More Thai Beauty

Ah yes, the subject of plastic or cosmetic surgery, and all those other little appearance helpers that are so popular with all the movie stars, models and celebrities. The Thais like it too. And the cost of plastic surgery in Bangkok is quite low, with some of the best quality work available in the world. Compare to a facelift in New York, Beverly Hills boob job, Miami tummy tuck, Hollywood, you name it, you get much more bang for the buck in Bangkok. So let's take a look at what is one of everybody's favorite topics, the before and after of a few famous people from the silly Thai gossip magazine with the silly name Oops!

Tata Young
Tata Young
Aum Patcharapa

Coming next: Nun, Kratae, Ying and Irin


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